Annual PhD meetings of the Dahlem Research School program Plant Sciences
The annual seminar provides an excellent platform for PhD candidates to present and discuss their research among colleagues, offering an interdisciplinary environment in Plant Sciences and new possibilities of collaboration. The meeting gathers participants from the disciplines of Functional Biodiversity, Animal Ecology, Plant Ecology, Systematic Botany, Plant Physiology, Biochemistry of Plants and Applied Genetics. All candidates are invited to present their work in a poster or a talk. The participation is mandatory for members of the Dahlem Research School - PhD program Plant Sciences.
Previous activities
- First annual meeting of the DRS-Studies "Molecular Plant Science" 2009 (Program
- Second annual meeting of the DRS-Studies "Molecular Plant Science" 2010 (Program)
- Third annual meeting of the DRS-Studies "Molecular Plant Science" 2011 (Program)
- Fourth annual meeting of the DRS-Studies "Plant Sciences" 2012 (Program and Posters)
- Fifth annual meeting of the DRS-Studies "Plant Sciences" 2013 (Program)
- Sixth annual meeting of the DRS-Studies "Plant Sciences" 2013 (Poster) (Pictures)
- Seventh annual meeting of the DRS-Studies "Plant Sciences" 2014 (Program)
- Eighth annual meeting of the DRS-Studies "Plant Sciences" 2016
- Ninth annual meeting of the DRS-Studies "Plant Sciences" 2017
- Tenth annual meeting of the DRS-Studies "Plant Sciences" 2018